
The village of Orridumio lies lonely in the center of a narrow valley, seldom reached by the sunbeams. Its gothic buildings of grey stone are perpetually wrapped in the mist, and this gives the village a peculiar fascination, even if it would be too much to define it as delightful.
The peculiar atmosphere since centuries drives to Orridùmio many illustrious visitors from the farther countries.
The first one was the count Vlad Tepes, who visited Orridumio in 1463, but stood there few days, then ran away frightened.
Edgar Allan Poe was there in 1829, when he was still an author of nursery-rhymes, and the visit mde him to change his literary kind.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft passed a night there in 1928, but he could not sleep.
In more recent times Dario Argento thought to shoot in Orridùmio his next film, but as he found all his troupe beheaded, thought it convenient to choose another location.
As a pro for the Orridumiese tourism we can however remark that noone of the tourists who visited the village in the last years ever came back to complain.

Visiting tips
In the night hours it's advisable to adopt some precautions for the visit, as to go around only if accompanied by an exorcist, to supply oneself with a Crucified and a gun with silver bullets, even if it's preferable to barricade oneself home after sunset and not to move until the cock crows.

The typical products of the local handicraft are the wreaths and the pillows of flowers, the inventive coffin-shaped keychains and pendants and the skull-shaped gear lever knobs.
Every Friday 17
th a market takes places and on the stalls are on sale the picturesque strings of garlic and the characteristic multipurpose ash-wood stakes, that is preferable to have on for any eventuality.

What to see
The avenues of the village are bordered by cypresses' rows, which have the particularity not to throw a shadow, like however the greatest part of the inhabitants of the village, and under which it is pleasant to take a walk, except in the nights of full moon, new moon or crescent moon.
The parochial church is dedicated to the defuncts and is famous for being entirely decorated with human bones. Under the high altar lies the mummified body of the late bishop Esequio, which anyway it's not always possible to see, since he loves to take a walk around the village.
The picturesque zombie district is the more joyful and animated of Orridùmio, mainly in the zone of the cemetary, although it is not at all advisable to venture to go there, if you are not a zombie.

Popular festivities and traditions
The most solemn festivity of the village is November 2
nd, when a solemn high mass of requiem for the defuncts is celebrated and chanted by the choir of the same defuncts; during the celebration the bells knell uninterruptedly, although the church doesn't have a bell tower, and neither bells. The festivity sees the procession passing by, with the inhabitants of the village in their traditional costumes, entirely black.
For Christmas it's probable the arrival of somebody through the chimney, even if it's not always Santa Claus.

The best restaurant of the village is "Hannibal's", specialized in meat courses.
The main course of Orridumiese cooking is meat grilled on dead fire, with dead nettle as a side dish.
Between the cakes we mention the Halloween sweets.
The local olive trees produce a very good olive oil, so valuable to be defined "Holy oil".

The best hotel in Orridùmio is the "Eternal Sleep" (four stars and three cemetary candles), placed in the village center, with sight on the cemetary. Other hotels are "Requiem aeterna", "Last resting-place" and "R.I.P.".
Less advisable are the "Bates Motel" managed by an old lady and her son Norman and the "Overlook Hotel" managed by Jack Torrance and his family, in which it is in particular advised to avoid room 237.

The Orridùmio fauna, thanks to the peculiar conformation of the surroundings, is unique in the world and counts many endemic species.
Between them we count many Mammalians, like the European werewolf (Lycanthropus europaeus), once endangered of extinction and today considered a protect species, the autophagous ferret (Mustela autophaga), so voracious to devour himself, and therefore not dangerous for the man; in the caverns in the outskirtses of the village grows a plentiful fauna of hematophagous Chiroptera, like the Orridumiese vampire (Desmodus orridumiensis), the Blood-sucker horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus sanguivorus) and the vein-cutter noctule (Nyctalus venasecans).
Between the birds we remember the anthropophagous quail anthropophagous quail (Coturnix hominivorax), that feeds only living human beings, which attacks by pecks, and the cuddlesome sparrow (Passer blandulus) which uses his particularly graceful and charming aspect to attract the humans: once they offer him birdseed on their hand, the sparrow begins to peck it, starting then to eat the hand and then the whole body of the incautious zoophile.

One of the typical reptiles of the zone is the depressive viper (Vipera deprimens), which injects a strongly depressive poison, that inexorably pushes to the suicide within few minutes the persons which are bitten.
Between the amphibians we can mention the deceptive toad (Bufo dolosus) that, once kissed, instead of turning into a prince, turns into Freddy Kruger and splits into pieces with a chainsaw the one who dared to annoy him; the hoodoo salamander (Salamandra fascinatrix) on the other hand does not attack the man, but instead stares intensely at him, and takes him within few days to a violent death, generally for a road accident.

How to get there
The "Last voyage" bus company ensures the line service with Orridùmio, with coaches easily recognizable by their characteristic black color bordered in gold.
The passengers are given bunches of chrysanthemum as a floral present.

To contact the person in charge of Orridùmio tourist office it's advisable to use a three-legged table.

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page created: March 24th 2007 and last updated: May 24th 2009