also sprach Rokko

(Thus Spoke Rocco Buttiglione)

- The family is made to allow women to have sons and to have the protection of the man who takes care of them.

- The children who have only a mother and do not have a father are sons of a not so good mother. And the children who have only a father are not children, because a man alone can make a robot. But he cannot make a children. October 15th 2004

- The homosexual behavior technically is an index of moral disorder. March 5th 2001

- Today in Europe too few children are born because the dominant ideology pushes young people to be cynical, not to believe in love and to completely separate sex from love. The result is that sex becomes boring and love disappears. link

- I didn't say I think that, I neither said I don't think that; perhaps I think that, perhaps I don't.

- It must explain the young people why their grandfathers have been fascist, to help them to understand how the fascism and nazism were born in order to fight the communism.

- The leftists are depressed and have lost their anti capitalist identity, so they vent their dissatisfaction upon the catholic church. Like the nazis with the Jews. May 10th 2007

- We address you with a request of improvement of the quality of life in the Senate. Our bar is not provided with ice creams. We think that it would be useful that it was. June 8th 2007

- Being gay is morally wrong, like adultery is, or not paying taxes or not donating money to the poors are. October 25th 2010

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page created: September 23rd 2007 and last updated: November 15th 2010