Mad cow's disasters
Here reported are some frightening descriptions of mad cow disease symptoms, concealed in the secret archives of Ministery of Health.
The names of the victims are partially covered to respect their privacy:

- Flossie S., a Red Spotted cow convinced her stable mates that cows are singing animals and founded a bovine polyphonic choir, specialized in Renaissance music; their first concert was a fiasco;
Jasmine F., a 18-month-old Brown Swiss heifer, while grazing on a pasture, met a group of punks and joined them; now she wanders through Europe pasturing illegally in the suburban public gardens and stealing hay from parked trucks; she is pursued by Interpol;
Tranquilla, a 8-years-old Marchigiana cow, abandoned her calf and proclamed herself Prime Minister, threatening to disclose explosive facts on maize silage market, declaring moreover: "I milk myself!";
Blackie B. a 5-years-old Holstein cow got the disease in a wild night at McDonald's, then asked her breeder to enter her at the ballet school of Milan La Scala theatre, proclaming she aspired to become a prima ballerina of the famous theatre;
Blackears, a Holstein heifer went through a mystic crisis and reached India, where tried to become a sacred cow but, being in a prevalently Islamic region, was quickly converted in shish-kebab;
Robusto, a 1600 kg Chianina bull, declared to refuse the role of mating machine and organized a Bull Gay Pride, moreover with a scarce crowd;
Jean-François, a 16-months-old Charolais young bull demanded living space at East and invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia
Derek K., a 1-year-old Aberdeen Angus steer decided to slim and started to feed only soy sprouts and skimmed yogurt: he was slaughtered three days later.

this text is also published (in Italian) on: www.cicci.it

I apologize for any error in English translation: if you want to communicate with me for corrections and/or comments, write me

my works of upsetting scientific vulgarization on cattle

page last updated: December 11th 2005